Thursday 26 March 2020


This month has been pretty crazy. So much ahs happened. The corona virus has been plaguing the whole world and thousands of people were killed. The world has come to a grinding halt. Many conventions and expos had to close or postpone their events due to the gravity of the situation. Things have veen pretty chill on my end though. I have been going along with pops more often to help him out with the government contract on the Darley firetrucks. Nowadays, pops allows me to drive to the meetings. I felt very nervous because im not too comfortable with driving big vehicles and also i rarely drive along the road to the Ministries. One time we even got stopped by the cops because I crossed a red light. Pops caused it though. I wanted to take another route but he told me to go straight through because the light was green at that that moment. The traffic light change to red just before i crossed and there was a police man on a bike who saw the traffic offense so he stopped us. We had to plead with him profusely before he let us go. We were lucky.

Also the past few week have been quite invigorating. I'm beign a lot more organized with my work. The Microsoft to-do app has been really helping me in that regard. I' dissappointedd because I have not been putting out as much content for my podcast so I will have to work on that. Doing my pod cast has been very insightful and has taught me a lot about my own thinking process. I also began doing more daily studies. Feng Zhu inspired me to get back into daily drawing and studies. Its been helping me with imaginative drawings and I have also seen a marked improvement in my draftsmanship.

I contacted Evan Monteiro on Twitter yesterday and I asked him a question about how create a solid portfolio. He didnt quite like the question because of its broadness but he proceeded to answer it to the best of his ability. I was quite touched when he mentioned that he really liked my work, He complimented me on my work ethic and kindness. He advised that I be more specific and define what I want to do as an artist so that it can direct me in building my portfolio. That was an excellent point he raised. Everyone want different things so understanding what you want is key to getting or achieving that thing. You need to be as specific as possible.

This month has also been really positive with respect to how things are going on at Site. Kweku and Peter let me know that we are making headway and starting to generate an cncouraging amount of revenue and sales. We have been discussing more and more about the future of the business and the ways we can contribute to the expansion and profitability of the organization. We alson discussed on plans to renovate and restructure the premises. So much exciting stuff is happening. I was talking the other day with Kablo and we were discussing about her new podcast that she started. I gave it a listen and she really did a great job. Kabelo is a natural at podcasting. I sent her an instagram dm to encourage her to keep up the great work. Also in the past few days, I put up a couple of inspirational quotes that really touched me and hopefully touched someone else. "Time is the moset important asset, I never met a man on his death bed saying I wish I had more money" ~Les Brown, "For those who understand, no explanation is needed and for those who do not understand, no explanation will suffice" ~Ziad K. Abdelnour.

I have been really getting into Craig Mullin's class on Schoolism I'm learning so much about color and lighting. He keeps dropping little nuggets of wisdom that make a huge difference. Craig makes the concepts he teaches so easy to understand and assimilate. Also this month I have been working on a character desgn for Boz Balentine. So far so good. The work has been proceeding bery smoothly and I'm really happy about that. I need to organize myself a whole lot more with respet with my freelance acareer and I have to build a solid portfolio.

Saturday 14 March 2020

Digital Painting with Craig Mullins

Week 1

Week 2 Assignment

Week 3 Assignment

Hey guys! Just want to update you with my progress. I began Craig Mullins' course on Schoolism. I'm currently at the 3rd week. The course has been a ride and I'm learning so much. Hope you guys are having a great weekend! 

Friday 15 February 2019

Original Characters


An OC of mine


Champions is a personal project of mine. It is borne our of my love for the sport of boxing. It is about a boy, named Ali, who enters into the world of amateur boxing and goes on a journey of self discovery that helps him to become a better individual in life. I'm still concepting out the IP and thinking in what format I will deploy it as a finished product (possibly as a comic or an animated short). Thought I'd share it with you guys.

Saturday 28 July 2018

Hello World

It's taken me forever to update my blog , and I feel like it's about time I did. I have a backlog of works that I am excited to show to you guys. Here's a drawing I did of Kaneda to commemorate the 30th anniversary of Katsuhiro Otomo's Akira manga. Enjoy.

Sunday 5 November 2017